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Working with MM&C

Today was incredible and so incredibly insightful. I mean there were things I didn't know to ask or even think of in terms of planned giving and moving donors through the phases. It'll take days to process through all the gems but I wanted to thank you. Totally mind blown in the best way.


We raised somewhere between $12 - 20k tonight!!! The presentation went smoothly. I had one of my 5th graders come up with me and hold up the thermometer while I talked. Your phrasing for asking for donations and how we'd use the money was really effective. In fact, we were the only org that included that in the main presentation. It didn't hurt that the other 2 orgs had budgets of $400k per year and we were at $27k.

Thanks for all your help on this.


Thanks so much for the fantastic session today during the Board Retreat!! I gained so much value from your insights and expertise and the actionable exercise!! Thank you for being who you are and for all you do to positively impact the lives of others!!


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